The Light of Lumis
The Light of Lumis
2 Spots Available
System: Dungeon & Dragons 5e
Frequency: Weekly, Wed
Join The Adventure
$35 per session.
Free session zero.
Please submit the request to join below, we will be in contact shortly with payment details.
In the meantime feel free to join our Discord community here.
Welcome to a world of light and darkness.
On the scorched desert plains weary travellers trudge their wares through the sands, the constant light a thankful reprieve from the encroaching night. They prepare themselves for the end of the cycle, for when the Light of Lumis dims and dies and the shadows begin to move.
Players find themselves thrust into a turbulent existence, with life hanging on a razor's edge against the ever present threat of night. In this world approximately 15 days are in constant daylight, supplied by the Lighthouse at the centre of the desert, while the other 15 days are in a perpetual darkness.
Many mysteries lie both in the shadows and in the blinding light, with players balancing between the two. Their role within the world will be discussed and established in a session zero, where they could be emissaries of the Church spreading the faith, travellers putting down roots and attempting to create a new town in the harsh desert landscape, or hunters of the creatures that lurk in the dark, among many other tales to be told.
Minor horror themes will be present, meaning players must be prepared for some disturbing imagery though safety tools will be presented early to make sure everyone can get the most out of this game.
The length of the story will run for 30+ sessions, from level 1 to around level 10.
Player Expectations
Fans of existential horror and those looking for the smallest glimmer of hope in a dark time will enjoy this story. Mild horror themes, generally exploring humanity's primal fear of the dark, will be present but players are expected to use the offered safety tools to maximise their experience without making anyone uncomfortable. All players, both experienced and not, are welcome to apply.