Partner up with one of our talented Storytellers for an evening of riddles, combat and terrible puns. Your Storytellers will handle everything so you and your friends can concentrate on throwing shade, eating snacks and trying to keep yourselves alive.
Tabletop role-playing is very much like having a friend tell you a story, but this time each of you are a character in the story and your decisions shape the world as you go along. You want to defeat the bad guys? That’s great! You want to open the best cupcake shop in town? I hear there is an opening across from the tavern! No decisions is too grand, or too silly in a game that is all about the journey.

You get to be whoever you want in this story, and your Storyteller will help you work out who that is. The nice thing is you can’t play your character wrong, because your character is exactly who you want them to be.
Of course, there are different rules to learn as you go along, and that is exactly why we have created Questbook. With one of our Professional Storytellers by your side you, you and your friends can concentrate on the adventure or what to call your new cupcake shop, and leave the rule books to us.